Abortionist Curtis W. Boyd: Public School Sexual Education Advocate Since 1967

The topic of sexual education being introduced in public schools is highly debated in America right now. Battles to find balance between protecting our children and failing to equip them with a diverse range of knowledge are raging. Florida recently capturing global headlines over what the media titled the “don’t say gay bill” only added fuel to a fire that is seemingly being thrown across party lines like Molotov cocktails.

While our work generally focuses less on these politically based public education debates and more on the issues surrounding abortion itself, a recent discovery of a 50 year old newspaper article now demands our involvement in the sexual education debate.

Dr. Curtis W. Boyd is not only America’s most notorious late term abortion provider, who has performed over 250,000 abortions himself, he is apparently also a driving force behind the start of sexual content being delivered to children by the public school system.

Mark Lee Dickson of Right to Life of East Texas, who is currently campaigning to make Boyd’s hometown of Athens, Texas a sanctuary city for the unborn, recently uncovered a newspaper article the Tyler Morning Telegraph published on November 10th, 1967. That article covers the controversial sexual education program officials began implementing in Texas and reveals that Dr. Boyd is directly behind the push to bring sexual education films to children as young as kindergarten.

In a follow up article published July 30th, 1968 it is noted that the films were approved for students and why it was decided that boys and girls would watch together because Boyd believed it would “eliminate the idea that sex is something to be hidden.”

While sex itself, and sex education as a theory, are positive things its not hard to see that it has been used by the abortion lobby to create a customer base for the past 5 decades. We know Curtis W. Boyd has openly admitted to performing illegal abortions in the Athens Texas area in the years leading up to Roe. At the same time he began implementing desensitizing sexual content programs intended for children and teens. What better way for Dr. Boyd to create a future client base than to teach minors about sex at the same time he was providing illegal abortions and working towards making abortion legally accessible. By the time Roe passed Boyd had already gained 5 years head start on providing abortions and preparing a client base to make profit off in his future.

This discovery of decades old articles doesn’t immediately alter anything in the present, but it does confirm a lot. It confirms that abortion providers have been behind sexual education programs since the start. It confirms that Curtis Boyd was actively working to sexualize the youth of Athens, Texas at the same time he began profiting off their crisis pregnancies. And it confirms the fears of those researching Boyd in proving his strategic destruction of young lives is rooted deeply in Athens' history.

"Don’t get me wrong, Curtis W. Boyd committing 10,000 illegal abortions in Athens is terrifying in and of itself." Said Mark Lee Dickson, Director of Right to Life of East Texas. "However, when you add to that the fact that these abortions were committed while Boyd was serving as the Henderson County Health Officer who was also giving counsel to the school nurse while serving on the Athens School Board - that becomes a new level of terrifying.”

All of this is just one more reason why there is currently a campaign to make Boyd’s hometown of Athens a sanctuary city for the unborn. Citizens of Athens and surrounding areas have spoken out in horror upon learning the dark history of the abortion industry in Athens. Residents want to undo the legacy Curtis Boyd and his destructive actions have left their town with. Right to Life of East Texas is even offering a $10,000.00 reward for information leading to the finding of the 10,000 bodies Curtis Boyd admitted to illegally aborting in Athens in the late 1960’s. People are truly fed up with Curtis Boyd’s history of horror and the current fight over Athens shows it.

Of course its fair to note that Dr. Boyd has harmed far more than just Athens residents. His abortion clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico provides elective third trimester abortions to this very day. He and his staff recently settling a suit over the death of their 23 year old patient. Abortion On Trial covered the case as well as multiple other malpractice cases Boyd has faced in recent years. From fetal tissue procurement, to dozens of documented emergency transports, to providing induction abortions to minors in hotel rooms (that actually happened) ...Boyd’s current abortion facilities are no safer or more ethical than his illegal abortion ring in the sixties was.

It is the hope of the teams at both Right to Life of East Texas and Abortion on Trial that people will continue to shine a light on the horrific history Curtis Boyd has left in his wake. We hope that the next generation is given a chance to learn about their bodies and natural events from truly impartial parties who wont be making a profit from their sexualization. Before birth, in school, and as young adults . . . our children deserve far more than to be targets for people like Curtis W. Boyd.