Pelosi Accidentally Tells that Dems are Not a Unified Front


Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, will see her biography hitting the shelves April 20th. Susan Page of USA Today interviewed Pelosi several times for the upcoming book, Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and Lessons of Power. According to these interviews Speaker Pelosi reminds us that the Democratic Party is not a totally unified front.

 While many have commented that the GOP is fracturing after Trump’s loss in the 2020 election, it’s not only the GOP facing in-house division. The Democrats may appear unified when it comes to beating Trump and other Republicans. However, Pelosi had some critical remarks regarding other Democrat politicians, including former President Obama and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Regarding Obama, Pelosi scornfully reminded that Obama was unable to convince congressmen from his home state of Illinois to vote for Obamacare. Additionally, she expressed irritation that Obama took credit for items Pelosi helped pass through Congress.

Regarding Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of ‘The Squad’ Pelosi sternly warned, “You’re not a one-person show. This is the Congress of the United States.”

While many conservatives speak of a unified Leftist agenda, this gives too much credit to the unity of leftists and Democrats. Of course, there is a leftist agenda just like there is a conservative agenda. However, the ideologies, both left and right, have fights and squabbles amongst themselves.

Douglas Phillips is a native Texan, having been born and raised in the Lone Star State. He writes on political philosophy and current events.
