Posts tagged covid
PSA: Remember, Experts can be Wrong

"The threats were so intense the police were forced to stand guard at our booth and escort us to our cars. All because a few mothers decided to show up and have a discussion they didn't like. It was a shocking and disgusting display of hypocrisy as young women stormed the convention hall with coat hangers and profanity-laced, vulgar displays of promo material not suitable for social media."

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COVID-19 Exposes False Teachers

As time passed and their outlandish prophecies turned out to be as reliable as a typical weatherman’s forecast, many made excuses for why they got these “divine predictions” wrong. The Scriptures are clear that those who claim to listen to God’s but get caught in a lie are not to be trusted, as they have exposed themselves as false prophets (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)

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