Christian Schools with Ties to the Abortion Industry


Students for Life of America (SFLA) will soon publish a report detailing about 100 Christian schools with ties to Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions in the United States. This research will be published by the Institute for Pro-Life Advancement later in 2021.

Until then, SFLA has released the information of 25 so-called Christian schools who promote Planned Parenthood as a good resource for Christians in need of certain types of healthcare. Two of the 25 schools have since ended connections with Planned Parenthood. Those schools are Messiah College and St. Francis University, which are both in Pennsylvania.

Kristin Hawkins, the president of SFLA, said regarding the findings:

 “Schools -- especially Christian schools -- should focus their efforts not on promoting an abortion behemoth, but on educating and equipping students with the information and resources they need to thrive in college no matter what challenges -- including pregnancy or parenting -- may arise.… Pro-lifers across the country are respectfully but firmly urging schools to cut ties with Planned Parenthood.”

 Christian schools are committing behavioral apostasy in promoting organizations that end innocent life. “[W]hen the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8). 

However, it seems that the leadership at some Christian schools has been duped. Even Lubbock Christian University, a small private Church of Christ school located in conservative Lubbock, Texas, at one point promoted Planned Parenthood. However, once contacted, the leadership at LCU removed a website link to Planned Parenthood and replaced it with a pro-life pregnancy center. Praise God for that.

While some so-called Christian schools are actively progressive in policy, others are merely not up to date on the landscape of the cultural battlefield. It is not enough to merely be pro-life in assent. “[B]e ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves,” (James 1:22).

Just as Christians still need to hear the Gospel after having been saved, pro-life people need to be roused and presented the pro-life message. Christian bubbles are not safe from the Satanic work of abortion.
