Posts tagged Planned Parenthood
Christian Schools with Ties to the Abortion Industry

“These times of uncertainty.” That was the catchphrase for 2020. It appears that the times of uncertainty continue in the political arena. Freedom loving Americans are scared about what a Democratic-controlled government means for the Country. If a Democrat government weren’t bad enough, the Big Tech overlords continue to try to influence Americans towards the ways of authoritarian leftism. These are serious concerns that need to be met head on.

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Concerned Citizens in Whiteface, Texas: Testimonials from the Vote to Outlaw Abortion

“…At 18 I made the decision to have an abortion and it haunted me for 17 years. I don’t want to see others have to walk through the same hell.”

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Big Spring: Sanctuary for the Unborn

Resident Debbie Stone shared her thoughts: “It is easy to take a stand when you face no opposition. But when you know that casting your vote may cost you something, your courage is needed. Thank you to Mayor Thomason and the council members who cast their votes in the last meeting!”

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A Showdown In the West: The Fight to Outlaw Abortion in Texas

According to the ACLU, the passing of this ordinance would “expose Big Spring to costly legal liability.” While this letter may seem intimidating to some, it is worth noting that these words have not been backed up by the filing of  any lawsuits against the seven cities which have already passed ordinances outlawing abortion.

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The Shameless Bragging of Abortion

Jamil doesn’t stop at bragging about her abortion, she is willing to take something so godlessly tragic and push the envelope further. When she was asked if a child should be murdered who was born viable and could survive outside the womb, she said, “Every. Time. The choice is the landlord’s, not the tenant, nor the neighbour’s.” She confirmed that she supports all abortions, regardless of the case, the stage, or the reason.

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